DWR eco - LinkedIn Let’s Talk Change – in this podcast-series DWR eco founders Doreen Rietentiet and David Wortmann take turns interviewing key protagonists of our time on how to finally accelerate the change towards more sustainability.
DWR ECO — Create ideal conditions., David Wortmann is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at DWR eco. He advises and supports companies and institutions in the green transition and works as a mediator between businesses, regularly speaking with representatives of governments, ministries, the EU Commission or the Council of Europe.
Deep Dive CleanTech // by DWR eco - Podcast
Wortmann is managing director of DWR eco, a consultancy for politics, communication and strategy that specializes in sustainability issues. Prior to the election, the company had compared the. DWR ECO — Create ideal conditions. David Wortmann Enabling the Green Economy | Entrepreneurship & Investments | Climate Advocacy & Energy Transformation 16h Edited.
DAVID WORTMANN - European Commission David Wortmann @David_Wortmann Entrepreneur, Communicator & Policy Advisor for the energy & mobility transition, climate action & circular economy u.a. @dwr_eco@leaders4CA@ewgnetwork Berlin Joined June Tweets © Twitter About Help Center Terms Privacy policy Cookies Ads info Dismiss Close Previous Next.
Meet David Wortmann, Managing - Start Up Energy Transition Thanks to our team of analysts Jakob MedickDavidErik HillebrandJan WehrholdHendrik Flügel David Wortmann Rettung aus der Tiefe: Wie Geothermie die Abhängigkeit von russischem Gas reduzieren.
David wortmann dwr eco4 Meet DWR eco”s David Wortmann @ DLD Conference on 12 January at pm moderating a panel on Climate Action with Boris Wasmuth Christian Vollmann Jennifer.
About - DWR ECO - Create ideal conditions. David Wortmann is the owner and managing director of the consulting agency DWR eco GmbH. He has extensive expertise in fields of business development, public affairs, public relations and strategic consulting in environmental technologies, renewable energy and sustainable development.