Was sind contact clauses englisch
Contact clauses regel Contact clauses – Relativsätze ohne Relativpronomen Wann kann man das Relativpronomen weglassen? Das Relativpronomen (who/which/that) kann man weglassen, wenn es im Satz nicht Subjekt ist. Diesen Satz nennt man dann contact clause. Eselsbrücke: Folgt nach who/which/that ein Verb, dann darf man das Relativpronomen nicht weglassen. 1.
Contact clauses relative clauses
As the term suggests, a contact clause must be adjacent to (i.e., in contact with) the noun phrase it modifies. The term contact clause was introduced by linguist Otto Jespersen in A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles (). Examples and Observations.Contact clauses übungen mit lösung Was sind „contact clauses“? Weißt du noch, was „contact clauses“ sind? Contact clauses sind Relativsätze, in denen man das Relativpronomen einfach weglassen kann: This is the book which/that I wanted for Christmas. It’s a joke which/that everyone will enjoy. I’ve been thinking about the suggestion which/that you made me last week.
Contact clauses übungen pdf Relative clauses headed by zeros are frequently called contact clauses in TEFL contexts, and may also be called "zero clauses". (If that is analyzed as a complementizer rather than as a relative pronoun the above sentences would be represented differently: Jack built the house that I was born in Ø ; Jack built the house I was born in Ø ; He.